Friday, January 28, 2011

The lonely hearts club

It's a new year and next week will be a new month. Next month is like every one's else favorite aside from Christmas and new year I guess . Next month is the 28 days of Love ..oh yeah Love, the perfect word for every creature.

I feel strange the past few weeks I got into something obsession,,, obsession of thinking someone and obsession of feeling light....I don't know what drama is in store for me but I hope cupid won't struck that arrow any time soon....I know some of you out there are blissfully in love some may just have just sang a heartache and some are daydreaming for their perfect match... Love ...Love...Love...
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.
Certainly just like the Beatles song All we need is love. No matter what your definition of Love , we all aim for it.
Because Valentines day is just an inch away I decide to write a review about the book I just had finish reading "The lonely Hearts club"....Well just by reading the title I am certain it is a teen age love and I am certain it is something  I could relate into.
So let me start now...The story revolves around Penny lane apparently from her name no wonder her parents and she is an avid of the Beatles..well the book is almost much about the Beatles ..My father is also a fan of Beatles especially with Lenon and like Penny I grew up hearing their songs and stories. Beatles is truly one of the greatest and controversial artists of all time.

Penny had this childhood friend named Nate which eventually became his boyfriend turned out to be cheating on her and from that day on she decided to never date boys after high school....
I know some would think that is such a silly idea , i could remember in high school I was also making that kind of deal of not having a boyfriend until 18 and it turned out that deal has extended the age limit....(hahahah)
Penny's best friend is Tracy who has no boyfriend since birth . From the very start Tracy was against this conventional idea of  Penny . Tracy had her own list of boys and always made her way to date the names on her list but sad too say Tracy didn't get her wish list. 

I am like Tracy except for the boy lists thing , the one who truly supports her friend and always play the devil's advocate, I mean the one who thinks most differently or contradictory to the usual.....
Soon after there this girl named Diane who was actually the original best friend of Penny. Diane turned away from penny after she got into relationship with Ryan ( the most desirable man in their campus)......So when Diane and Ryan parted ways but remained friends , Diane went back to Penny. 

I know a lot of girl would relate into this......I've witnessed this.... there are some girls who thought that the world only revolves around him and her . I think that really sucks , leaving a best friend for a guy and then when it all goes wrong you ran again towards your best friend......It is like a friend of utensil......a friend when only needed.....But no matter what our friends are still our friends and because of that we forgive them and accept them as if nothing happened..

And that is exactly what happened to penny and Diane...It started rough with Diane and Tracy but became close friends later on ....Now the lonely hearts club is getting bigger as Diane and Tracy have joined in and numerous girls have eventually joined in... It started form 3, to 5 then to 30 and so on.They have one clear rule and that is no dating of boys until after high school ...But penny seem to have trouble with it especially she started to realize she likes Ryan the ex of Diane...The group had caught the attention of their principal and even asked penny to stop it and most especially it hurt the ego of the McKinley boys for almost of the girls wouldn't date them and blamed the lonely heart of penny.. But the club just grew stronger and it was really empowering, it had helped some of the members to take care of their selves......No to cut this short......
In the end the club had decided to change the rules and allowed the members to date as long as they attended all group meetings and doesn't leave their friend...the ending was penny and Ryan kissed under the mistletoe.

Now , I am actually disappointed with the ending, the book was too short I wanted more... i though there would be more conflict but it just ended so smoothly........In the first few readings it would really lead you to some amusement or maybe I was just expecting too much. Anyways, For you out there it is really unfair to think of all mean as all jerks, I've also thought of it before but you really need to believe that not all men are the same.. there is no one hue nor one sound...
Penny may have thought of it but that was because she just came from a rough ending of  her fairytale relationship...For all you out there with lonely hearts always remember you are not alone, look at your friends . Friends gave you the love that you always needed so never throw them aways always treasure them. What I liked most of the book is the Female power. Imagine an all female club has made the boys gone really mad. I think this also goes for all the girls to be always careful to always not forget who you are. As stated in the book when girl are in a relationship they tend to act , pretended to be someone just to please their boyfriends . Well , isn't it more nice that our special someone love us for who we are not because we portray what they want us to be. I've known girls and woman who have sacrificed things just to keep the relationship , well I guess everybody wants to keep a relationship but sometimes sacrificing is not always the solution. I'm sorry to tell this but why should there be a martyr?/? At least leave a little piece of dignity ...Never forget yourself because you are valuable.. There's nothing wrong with loving but it comes wrong when you are hurting your own self.
Always love yourself first, for how can you possibly love when your not filled with it, there's nothing to give if you don't have it...

To be in love and to be loved is the perfect feeling . For all of you who are man haters ,and there's  bunch of hood guys not just jerks...Do not be unfair...There's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to love because it should be unconditional... Why think of all those fears when it doesn't make you feel better.....
I'm not the relationship expert but you must value of whatever relationship you have now...Life is a package there's no reason to feel lonely and cursed the boys.......why don't take the risk , isn't it much better than standing still and doing nothing? they say love waits but I say time waits for no one.....
Its always spinning and everything changes......We all search for love but love will never find our way if we are stuck in the same box........Enjoy your date with your valentine....And for all the ladies whoa re single like me , let's all have a toast and enjoy the season of Love..
I am going to leave you with the most wonderful definition of Love from Corinthians
 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,  does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part;  but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.  For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.  But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.


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