Saturday, March 27, 2010

Summer ♥○○○♥

It is like 31-33 degree Celsius here in Cebu, Philippines. Oh yeah I could feel the colossal heat of the sun and beseech for a toss of wave of the blue ray beach. Oh yeah....Everybody awaits for summer and finally here it comes...

Everybody seems to Love Summer. Summer is the juncture where in people feels like having an infinite freedom. No worries, no school,no exams, absolutely nothing and we all know doing nothing is enticing the word "BORING". We don't want to spoil the fun and experience that only Summer can give us and so thus we keep ourselves assiduous. Some people adore the beauty of the day, strolling around the park, shop here and there, and doing some Tarzan adventures.While other people (like me) would love to vibe on summer nights, it is cooler in the night and windy . With the music and drinks everyone wants to get tipsy and steamy. I don't know what's the magic in summer but it really washes away people's sanity and forget the whole heck that happened in their lives. I believe that some people are chippng away to compose the charm and practice the spell in search of love for this summer. Yeah I have known a few couples who have met and ended in Summer. I guess everyone is looking for that magic ,true magic, LOVE and everyone hopes to have this Summer.

I do believe not all people are actually having a great time in Summer, I know it is kinda ironic, but that's the Truth. Everyone always wanted to have an unforgettable summer just like another unforgettable holiday. There maybe just some people out there sitting on the couch surfing the net and posting a blog (like me..haha). Or someone out there is downloading a bunch of movies and never get tired of building castles in the air.

But when everything gets shut down we get back to reality and longs for that summer smell. Everyone must have his and her own story of Summer.

A great  movie has its story of  "500 days of Summer" Actually I really thought that the movie is a love story that happened in Summer.I would say the movie is one of the funniest and saddest love story I have seen. "AAAWWEE" this was the frequent expression I have committed through out the film.

Tom who was a greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer suddenly dumps him. He reflects back on their 500 days together to try to figure out where their love affair went sour, and in so doing, Tom rediscovers his true passions in life

Summer: Ok. I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later

I think from this lines it explained why Summer had inflict a serious pain on tom. From the very start it was just like a game for Summer.Now I kinda agree on Summer, we have the same landscape regarding relationships. To be honest , I am not willing to take risk on love because I am petrified to languish the pain, the pain that I have seen in eyes of many people. Friends came over to me singing those old blues, and my parent's relationship was at worst and it never worked out. I don't want commitments because I don't want an austere discord.Yeah, why don't just enjoy life with your friends and family , time is running it ain't moving backward.
That's my landscape when I'm on the center stage but when the curtains fall it turned into ashes. By night a tear drop on my delicate pillow, How much I wanted to love and to be loved. Yet it is easy to love than to beloved, I've always waited for the day that love will come on my way.
yes I do have regrets, regrets for not taking risk. I have abandoned love long time ago and now I wanna take it back but it is no longer to be found. Yes , time won't turn back. I just hate it when it is there you ignore it but when it is lost you can't help but keep looking for it even at the dead end.

Tom: People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.
I don't know exactly what the line is portraying. In my own understanding, at some point yeah I agree loneliness is underrated. Some people thought a cone of ice cream could easily replace it. It is difficult to deal with loneliness especially when you get used having that good company.It is always hard to let go, because we are primed to believe in all possibilities. We can't be move because the cut is so deep that we always thought of all crazy possibilities. I remember missing a beach outing ,I was alone in home while they were rocking on that waves and then I saw their pics and they were having a great time, to ease that feeling of being left behind and actually not having fun ,I drifted my mind and imagined what could have happened if I was there. Do we get tired of imaging things that actually didn't happened? we always have this "What if". Again, afraid to take risk. Some are just so afraid to accept the fact that it is over because we can't imagine a world without them just like as tom breaks down because summer isn't by his side.
That's why we have friends and family so that in time of despair, loneliness would just be a small word. We always needed those encouraging words, their embraces and even jokes so that we could stood up and finally stop chasing pavements.

Tom:I feel like why make some disposable like a building when you can make something that lasts, like a greeting card.~
I have always loved greeting cards, even e-cards. Greeting cards send direct messages to the heart that will truly mark and stays forever. I have tons of greeting cards before, actually they were from my aunts and grandma and then I collected them. When I read the messages it is simple yet so deep. The images and handwriting it is so beautiful that you can't throw it away.
That's what I have learned, everyday make the most of it , make something that will be remembered forever.
There is no love that can be dispose, every love is meant to be kept on a treasure box. There are people who are dumb and waste that precious love.
Sometimes we expected too much out of the box. Who doesn't wat to be loved in return? but Love is not automatic it is not manipulable. Love has its own mind, we can't decide for it. No mattner how much we wanted it we should be patient to wait for it.
Tom met Summer, Summer met tom , Tom falls in love with Summer, but Summer doesn't.
There was love for Tom but not the Love he expected. It was not a happy ending for their relationship.
Yes love could be cruel,harsh and painful. But there's more to that, Live life, there is so much to be love...Life is full of presents, it is beautiful and it is love.......when your stuck in the middle just take a pitcher of Bacardi , take a splash of the mystic water and open the door get may just have a gift for you.......Just like Tome she met Autumn when he walks out that door.........

LOve..Love..LoVe ♥♥♥ and love it....


Anonymous said...

I super love the movie

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